Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My first blog post :-)

Hello world!!!!  This is my first official post.  To say I am excited is an understatement.  I am so excited to begin this journey sharing my love for teaching.  I look forward to meeting new friends and learning new ideas to use in my classroom. 

I am a kindergarten teacher and have been for nine years!  I honestly thought when I graduated college that I wanted to teach fifth grade...... OHMYWORD what was I thinking!!  I thankfully was only offered a job in first grade and kindergarten.  I reluctantly took the kindergarten job because it was in the same school district I graduated from. :-)  Who knew I would fall in love!!!!!  And I did just that!  I love everything about kindergarten (well maybe except the first week or so) and kindergarten children.  We have such a great time learning about math, reading, writing, science and social studies.  I think I am a pretty crafty gal, and kindergarten just encourages my ideas to flow!! 

I am looking forward to learning all about you as well!  Oh and here is a precious picture of my babies on our field trip this year to the dairy farm. :-)